count down to goal

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

scale break

day one without a a quick stop on the scale in the morning. that was hard.

BUT. i packed my lunch, and ate my homemade breakfast. even defrosted a couple steaks for dinner. (aside: we have been trying to eat more plant-based meals, so we've not been really dealing with our freezer contents, but as the weather warms, our evening chocolate craving becomes an ice cream craving, so i've been buying a variety of tiny ice cream treats at tj's and noticing the mess that is our freezer. i organized it last night and realized we had a corning hen, 12 steaks, 6 pork chops, 6 pounds of sausage, a huge bag of chicken breasts, a pound of bacon and two pounds of ground turkey. whoops.) monday and tuesday have been my exercise rest days lately, but i have workouts planned for tomorrow, thursday, saturday, sunday and monday (also planning to ask for a hiking date on friday). and. AND. i got fitted for running shoes and ordered a pair of brooks ravennas online! holy shamoly. i think i'm *almost* a runner. now to register for the 3 summer evening 5ks i've been eyeing up.

also? i'm pretty sure i look great. so that's a comfort.

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