count down to goal

Friday, October 02, 2009

day, crap, 10? and 11?

okay, TODAY is day 11. so, day 10 report:

i did alright with food. my only veggies were tomatoes and olives on my pizza dinner, though. not excellent. i only ate 3 lindt peanut butter truffles when i wanted to scarf the whole bag. i'm basically still pouting over my sore arm. dude, it HURTS. and... i can't believe what i still weigh.

day 11-13 plan:

we have nothing crazy planned for this weekend. well, a little crazy... we're rearranging our bedroom. that means moving a bed, a huge desk, a small bookcase and a stationary bike. i might get my brother to come over and help the mister repair the bike so i can, i dunno, USE IT. it would be nice to get in a couple walks if the weather cooperates. and we're basically planning on going to movies BOTH days, which means the weekend will be heavy on the coke zero.

NEXT weekend, though, NEXT weekend will be exciting. next weekend we're going out of town to visit my gay uncles and my brother who's staying with them while he trains for his new job. and i'm in charge of the food. and it's going to be crazy-fun. my uncles are awesome and my brothers pretty much rock, too. so it'll be a damn good time. and... and... i woulnd't mind being 165 then. (OVERWEIGHT!!) and, you guys, it doesn't look impossible.

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